Welcome Back Grant Choir!
Hello Grant Choir Students & Parents! It feels so good to be back home in our newly remodeled school. The choir room is fantastic and sounds better than ever. The students and I are just getting to know it and very soon it’ll be the home we all know and love for generations of Grant singers to come. The new room number is #281 and we’re still in the same spot we used to be, second floor, far northeast corner of the building. Some of the amazing features are giant windows with views to the community garden and the dog park, a rebuilt skylight complete with a mechanical cover for really sunny days, two large storage rooms where the stage used to be, and three practice rooms outfitted with pianos and resources for students to work independently. Take a look at a few of the photos from the day before school started and check back soon for more updates now that the students are here. If you are a parent of a Grant Choir Student, you can find a copy of my welcome letter and the syllabus here. Feel free to stop by sometime and explore the new Grant, or join us on Saturday, September 7th at 10:00 am in front of the school for the Grand Reopening Ceremony!